Tuesday, January 12, 2010


on the last day of my trip, i'm left at home, facebooking and wondering what my plans are. i did a short search this morning on Curtin singapore. yeap, my parents, brother, church uncle have been asking me to check it out, hinting that i should return to the island state, to sights, sounds and many things that would make the senses tingle.

even as i type this, this count is 9 so far. what else could happen in the year to come? in contrast, its clear who wins the religious freedom and safety awards. (though in this case there are only 2 participants, even the more so) a part of me says run to higher ground. but another says this is the time.

our Singaporean brethren are praying. close as they are to our land, they too wish for civil peace and unity to maintain stability in our nation. even an old friend call me up and ask for my caution, whom i have not seen for a while. (and should visit)

'oh, they don't really offer econs here.'
'similiar prices but more ex lar.'
'not gonna be much different...'

those are perhaps excuses not to turn back...
excuses that let me remain and stay, just for a while longer
and may it be that way :)


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