Wednesday, December 23, 2009

before X

wow many things to look forward to in 2010!! though 2009 may end with a tinge of sadness for some, i'm reminded that joy is found in the new mornings we will surely encounter. even if it means heartbreak or difficulty for now.. remember who looks after us eh?? :)

of the things to look forward to, IronMan 2! (and also avatar etc etc movie marathon?)
always supported that Marvel hero :p maybe its just the best of imagination with technology. just find it awesome cause i know the background. some others might not really like it but hey, to each his own. (what's not to like bout a totally cool high tech armored suit of warfare??? haha)

most of my stuff is packed :) but i still found it hard to detach myself totally from the net. swordmage saved me the boring moments. but as that book is ending, i'll try my bestest to keep up with the slow pace. honest!

if i don't get back here by then,
Merry Christmas, and a blessed time celebrating the new year!

Saturday, December 19, 2009


as my blog fades into a certain degree of obscurity, i'm more inclined to write rhetorical nonsense and maybe unfortunately, frustrate some of you :x but then again, i doubt any of you have got a dose of that recently :P been to busy to do any of that!

Christmas looms near, and so does everything that makes Dec such an interesting month. parties, dinners, celebrations, farewells, greetings, love, family. i miss home just a little more this year round, and i've already set my sights on doing some traveling to reconnect with some friends. how typical of me to attempt to settle everything before i go away for a while. taken things for granted for far too long i guess :) being on the move will do some good to the brain.

and maybe, for the heart ;)

which reminds me of all the 'rumors' that is being conjured of me lately. not much, since i don't talk much these days, but its just interesting to see all sorts of things coming up- none of it is true of course :p but interesting nonetheless?

as the year goes on, we continue to seek.
for things past, present, yet to come.
He holds all of that.
awesome right?
believe it :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

the 101

i got something quite wrong all this while. i had placed my bet on the outcome of the direction, destiny, purpose, reason of serving. but it took me a while to come to grips with an important facet of any ministry. the why you serve?

would you serve if you do no get any direct benefits?

what would you do jase, if God took away what was 'important' to you now? that all you believed you had 'worked' for and towards was a delusional pile of dust, never to happen. knowing this in hindsight, would you still serve?

and i found out the why.. it is because He is Lord.
and it is my spiritual act of worship, hopefully pleasing to my King.

it was no longer words, but sorry Lord for making it something else other than You. i believe i would feel pain, but now i know the reason i serve.. it will strengthen me to make changes that might not be so... pleasant to people. because in one way or the other we are all stuck in our systems, ruled and governed by them. lets create some change when i can.

but above all else for tonight... thank you for setting the Serving 101 right.
you MUST know and live why you serve...

if not you might just labor in vain.

Monday, December 7, 2009


i woke up with an odd sense of foreboding. like a tiny stream of dread that spoiled the larger river of normality and rest. it probably had something to do with the dream. i was at someone's wedding i think. but it definitely wasn't mine :)

it wasn't all bad. one step closer to understanding.
yet so much more to be done that i'll put it aside as usual.

a few more errands to complete,
and loads more to prepare.

but for now..
hajime no ippo :)